Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets

Office of Civil Liberties, Privacy and Transparency

Fact Sheets

The following fact sheet describes this IC Governance Framework in detail, outlining the sources of imposed requirements and detailing how all three branches of government are involved. This is the first in a series – please check back soon for additional fact sheets on Section 702, FISA, the USA Freedom Act, and CLPT.

The ODNI Office of Civil Liberties, Privacy, and Transparency (CLPT) works to ensure that the Intelligence Community carries out its national security mission in a manner that protects privacy and civil liberties, while providing appropriate transparency to the public. This is part of the broader, multi-layered framework of U.S. rules and oversight, designed to ensure that we exercise our authorities and use our capabilities properly. This “IC Governance Framework” establishes a set of rules that the IC follows as it conducts its activities, ensuring that we uphold our duties to the Constitution.
IC Governance Fact Sheet