News Articles 2019

News Articles 2019

(CNN) The US intelligence community has briefed presidential campaigns on potential cybersecurity and espionage issues they may face ahead of the 2020 election.

US intelligence chiefs have held a series of classified briefings with American companies and other groups to warn them of the dangers of doing business in China, a further sign of Washington’s increasingly hawkish stance towards trade between the two countries.

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – In a room of people spending a day sorting the ethical and logistical aspects of artificial intelligence, analytics and war, Dan Coats, U.S. director of national intelligence, assured that the nation’s capability to collect and go through data “is unsurpassed by any ally or adversary.”

Mike Waschull, IC CIO Senior Advisor for Acquisition and Program Management, knows about transition. As an Air Force enlisted technician working communications and computers, he transitioned to the role of an Air Force intelligence officer.

The IC is increasing efforts to attract more diverse applicants for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) positions.