

On April 5, 2016, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper formalized the transition of the Intelligence Community Transparency Working Group into a permanent IC Transparency Council with his signature on the Council Charter.

The IC’s Transparency Working Group, made up of senior officers from across the Intelligence Community, was established over two years ago to develop the Principles of Intelligence Transparency, which provide guidance to the Intelligence Community on being more transparent with the public, while protecting the sources and methods necessary for performing its national security mission.

The Working Group then created an Implementation Plan to put these Principles into action across the community. Recognizing the importance of the transparency initiative, the DNI directed that the Working Group be elevated to a permanent entity in the form of a Council. With its Charter in place, the Council will be responsible for overseeing the Transparency Implementation Plan and ensuring that transparency becomes a comprehensive and sustainable practice within the Intelligence Community.

Read IC Transparency Council Charter

(photo by Brian Murphy, ODNI Public Affairs)