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The National Insider Threat Task Force, established under Executive Order (E.O.) 13587, is the principal interagency task force responsible for developing an executive branch insider threat detection and prevention program to be implemented by all federal departments and agencies. Integrated in this mission of insider threat program development is the need to develop, provide and establish training standards for Insider Threat program personnel, specifically those people directly involved with the Insider Threat “hub”. The hub is responsible for gathering and analyzing insider threat information, identifying potential insider threat concerns, and ensuring that an appropriate inquiry is conducted to resolve concerns.


NITTF Insider Threat Training:


The demand for Insider Threat training continues to increase in order to meet department and agency (D/A) requirements to implement insider threat programs and develop an effective capability in the workforce. Since its inception, the NITTF has hosted several versions of no-cost training covering establishment and implementation of insider threat programs -- training over 1,000 people across 70 departments and agencies. In 2015, our training efforts focused on launching an Insider Threat Hub Operations Course to deliver a practical, scenario-based approach to teach Insider Threat hub activities. This course is focused on teaching fundamental requirements and concepts of Insider Threat response actions, along with policy and legal authority considerations, from an initial trigger event to mitigation measures. This professional training course will better prepare D/A’s hub personnel to appropriately and legally handle day-to-day insider threat activities. This course also aids in satisfying national training requirements for Insider Threat program personnel.


NITTF Endorsed Workforce Training:


In addition to training tailored for your insider threat professionals, the Minimum Standards also require insider threat awareness training for the federal workforce. Many D/As have taken the initiative to develop their own training in line with the standards. The NITTF issued a directive in 2014 for federal agencies to use the Defense Security Service/Center for Development of Security Excellence web-based Insider Threat Awareness course for those agencies who did not have training to provide their workforce. The DSS site is open to all government D/As and certificates are available after course completion.


Upcoming Training Dates: