Reports & Publications 2024
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) today released the Annual Statistical Transparency Report (ASTR) Regarding the Intelligence Community’s (IC) Use of National Security Surveillance Authorities for Calendar Year 2023. The report, published every year since 2014, provides the public with statistics and context regarding the government’s use of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act authorities, National Security Letters, and other national security authorities.
As part of our ongoing transparency efforts to enhance public understanding of the Intelligence Community’s (IC) work and to provide insights on national security issues, ODNI today is releasing this declassified IC assessment dated July 2022.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) released the Intelligence Community (IC) Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Strategy for 2024-2026.
This report reflects the collective insights of the Intelligence Community, which is committed every day to providing the nuanced, independent, and unvarnished intelligence that policymakers, warfighters, and domestic law enforcement personnel need to protect American lives and America's interests anywhere in the world.
The Federal Executive Branch serves to protect U.S. elections and voters, systems, officials, and workers in various ways. Many of its responsibilities are longstanding, while some are more inspired by the recent threats of foreign election influence and interference.