NCSC Video: Terminal Risk

NCSC Video: Terminal Risk


 terminal risk seals


Terminal Risk -- a video jointly produced by NCSC, NSA, FBI and State/DS-- focuses on the Counterintelligence and security threats faced by the private sector at home and abroad. The ten vignettes were the result of NCSC discussions with industry security officers in the defense, pharmaceutical, entertainment, energy and IT sectors. They reflect real-life threats faced by the US private sector from terrorists, foreign intelligence services and foreign competitors. The video also provides advice on steps private sector firms and their employees can take to counter these threats.


Terminal Risk - Introduction
Terminal Risk - Targeting Executives Overseas
Targeting Executives Overseas
Terminal Risk - Targeting Corporate Negotiating Positions
Targeting Corporate Negotiating
Terminal Risk - Mobile Phone Vulnerabilities
Mobile Phone Vulnerabilities
Terminal Risk - Targeting Professionals at Conferences
Targeting Professionals at Conferences
Terminal Risk - Gathering Competitive Intelligence
Gathering Competitive Intelligence
Terminal Risk - Controlling Corporate Intellectual Property
Controlling Corporate Intelligence Property
Terminal Risk - Mobile Phone Exploitation
Mobile Phone Exploitation
Terminal Risk - Office Equipment Exploitation
Office Equipment Exploitation
Terminal Risk - Closing

National Counterintelligence and Security Center